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Pete Mansell - a huge loss to our sport

23-September-2022 17:39
in General
by Peter McNeile

Pete Mansell, for 30 years the PRO for the Point-to-Point fixtures in the West Mercian Area, died suddenly over the weekend after suffering a stroke. He was 75. He leaves two grown up sons and a daughter.

Hardly a participant nor a spectator hadn't come across Pete in over a quarter centry of reporting on our sport. His previews, reviews and encylopaedic knowledge of our sport filled pages of local papers frpm Birmingham to Bristol, and the pages of are littered with wonderful statistics that only Pete had researched. His font of knowledge on our sport will be sorely missed, alongside that imposh grin and tolerant nature. 

Above all, he was an unsung champion of our sport, in an era when we need all the champions we can find. 

The funeral will take place at Prestbury Crematorium, V+Bouncers Lane, Cheltenham, GL52 5JT at 2pm on Thursday October 6th, with refreshments afterwards at the Royal Oak in the Burgage. If you are planning to attend, please email to assist with catering planning.

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4m SE Cheltenham, nr junction of A40 and A436 (Exit 11A, M5)


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